This is an industrially based, quick-dry, multipurpose paint that is used to attain a shiny surface.It is adoptable with rale colors.
They are produced in 400ml, 200ml, 100ml sizes as standard.
Universal Spray Paint
In vehicles. construction vehicles. applicable ta afi kinds of appliances metal wooden surface. Quick-drying alkyd enamel tor metal. concrete. plasterboard. timber. glass. paper and other surfaces. Colours are standardised by European classificator RAL Far exterior and interior works. Provides strong gloss coating resistant ta mechanical and weather impacts.
Heat-Resistant Spray Paint
Elastic si/icon-organic resin based enamel. Endures up to + 600°C. Endures up to + 400°C tor longer time. lnterior and exterior use. Designed exc/usively tor surfaces exposed ta high Temperatures: ovens. boilers. tire-places. caldrons. radiators. supports. engines. exhausts. manutacture equipment.
Paint Spray
Quick-drying acrylic enamel with high fluorescent pigment content. Makes strong bright coat. Resistant to mechanic and weather exposure. Exterior and interior use. Used tor ad signs. direction signs. markings, alsa tor bright home. club, bar. discotheque interior. Used tor metal. concrete. plasterboard. timber. glass. paper and other surfaces
Acrylic Spray Paint
A modified acrylic and solvent based, quick-dry spray paint, that can be used at internal and external surfaces of wood, metal, concrete, plaster and that is protective, constituting a protective film layer. it has various decorative color paint or varnish that may be pale or bright, resistant to discoloration that can be used far renovating furniture or objects and in areas of white goods, general repair, hobby, decoration, bicycle, motorcyc/e and automotive. it has various kinds that may respond to different needs. it is lead-free. it does not involve any material that damages the ozone layer.
Special Effect Paint
This is an effect paint that is meta/lic based, easy-dry, and has great shine. it endures long. A different paint or varnish can be applied upon it.